We have tracked, categorized under Science and Technology and other Research and Development, over 23 funding programs and $115,924,888 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
NIJ FY24 W.E.B. Du Bois Program of Research on Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Justice System Apply for O NIJ 2024 172018

Funding Number: O NIJ 2024 172018
Agency: National Institute of Justice
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
ACL Innovation Lab Apply for HHS 2023 ACL AOA ACIL 0061

Funding Number: HHS 2023 ACL AOA ACIL 0061
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $4,790,000
DoD Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health, Health Services Research Award Apply for HT9425 23 TBIPHRP HSRA

Funding Number: HT9425 23 TBIPHRP HSRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 Apply for 23 570

Funding Number: 23 570
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $100,000,000
FY 2023 Competitive Academic Agreement Program (CAAP) Apply for 693JK323NF0003

Funding Number: 693JK323NF0003
Agency: Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
FY22 Bluefin Tuna Research Program Apply for NOAA NMFS SE 2022 2006951

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS SE 2022 2006951
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $300,000
CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service Apply for 21 580

Funding Number: 21 580
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU Apply for G20AS00090

Funding Number: G20AS00090
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $122,548
DoD Lung Cancer, Clinical Translational Research Partnership Award Apply for W81XWH 20 LCRP CTRPA

Funding Number: W81XWH 20 LCRP CTRPA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent

Funding Number: W9126G 20 2 SOI 2984
Agency: Department of Defense, Fort Worth District
Funding Amount: $225,213
DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Level 4 Apply for W81XWH 20 BCRP BTA4

Funding Number: W81XWH 20 BCRP BTA4
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Earth System Model Development and Analysis Apply for DE FOA 0002230

Funding Number: DE FOA 0002230
Agency: Department of Energy - Office of Science, Office of Science
Funding Amount: $900,000
Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science Apply for 20 506

Funding Number: 20 506
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Apply for 2019 NIST SBIR 03

Funding Number: 2019 NIST SBIR 03
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Funding Amount: $6,500
DoD Melanoma, Idea Award Apply for W81XWH 19 MRP IA

Funding Number: W81XWH 19 MRP IA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program: RERC on Technologies to Enhance Independence and Community Living for People with Cognitive Impairments Apply for HHS 2019 ACL NIDILRR REGE 0343

Funding Number: HHS 2019 ACL NIDILRR REGE 0343
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $925,000
DoD Lupus, Impact Award Apply for W81XWH 19 LRP IA

Funding Number: W81XWH 19 LRP IA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Community Living and Participation (Research) Apply for HHS 2019 ACL NIDILRR DPCP 0330

Funding Number: HHS 2019 ACL NIDILRR DPCP 0330
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $500,000
DoD Vision, Investigator- Initiated Research Award Apply for W81XWH 18 VRP IIRA

Funding Number: W81XWH 18 VRP IIRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
DoD Epilepsy, Idea Development Award Apply for W81XWH 18 ERP IDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 18 ERP IDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU Apply for G18AS00014

Funding Number: G18AS00014
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $17,627
Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance Apply for F17AS00478

Funding Number: F17AS00478
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $128,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU Apply for G17AS00031

Funding Number: G17AS00031
Agency: Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $10,000


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